Shikō Sakugo (試行錯誤 - Trial and Error)

Aug 11, 2019 15:16
Shikō Sakugo

I like a kind of methods for solving problems, 'shikō sakugo' (試行錯誤).

'Shikō' (試行) means "to try something" and 'sakugo' (錯誤) means "error" or "mistake."

That is to say, 'sikō sakugo' means that you try to find a method for solving a problem by repeating trial and error.

As mentioned above, this four-character idiom is often translated as "trial and error."

However, somehow many Japanese people refer to "trial and error" as 'torai ando erā' (トライアンドエラー - "try and error").




英語では "trial and error" と訳されます。

No. 1 friendfromfaraway's correction
  • I like a kind of methods for solving problems, 'shikō sakugo' (試行錯誤).
  • I like a kind of methods for solving problems, called 'shikō sakugo' (試行錯誤).
  • 'Shikō' (試行) means "to try something" and 'sakugo' (錯誤) means "error" or "mistake."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is to say, 'sikō sakugo' means that you try to find a method for solving a problem by repeating trial and error.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • As mentioned above, this four-character idiom is often translated as "trial and error."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, somehow many Japanese people refer to "trial and error" as 'torai ando erā' (トライアンドエラー - "try and error").
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you for the correction! :)